Kimberly Winston, author of the book Bead One, Pray Two, has an interesting post on her blog about a new iPod Rosary Application. It looks like it is only a prototype at this time, as I cannot find it for sale anywhere on the web. However, it got me thinking.
My sister-in-law has a rosary CD that we have prayed together while riding together in the car.
Our priest prays the rosary when he is running. "I think he uses one of the metal decade rings with a cross and knobs around the perimeter for each Ave."
As a runner, my husband thinks I should call the Irish Penal Era Rosaries I make "runner's rosaries." I have sold them to runners for praying the rosary when they run.
The bible tells us to "pray without ceasing." Surely, it is possible to pray while doing another task. I very often pray when I am beading. Maybe that begs the question, "what is prayer." In lieu of getting too deep into that topic right now, I am going to say that quiet, meditative prayer has certainly had a profound impact on my life. I savor that time I spend with Jesus. But, it is not the only way to pray and spend time with God.
One of the things that I know I need to work on is getting my physical self in better shape. I never worried much about my weight before, because it not much of an issue. Now that I have gotten older, my metabolism has most definitely slowed down, making exercise more of a need for my health. One of the problems is that I seem to get bored with it too fast.
I searched the web and found that there are some wonderful, free downloads for iPods and MP3 players. One that particularly caught my eye is a radio broadcast on the Desert Fathers from KVSS Spirit Catholic Radio in Stubenville, Ohio. It can be found on a site called Catholicipod. Though I do not own an iPod, I can down load MP3's on my computer via iTunes. As my computer is in my studio, I very often listen to iTunes. The treadmill is in the adjoining family room, so I could easily listen to items on my computer from there as well.
When I was searching for the iPod rosary mentioned above, I came upon the siteCatholicipod. Under 'Prayers" you can find free downloads of the Rosary, Scriptural Rosary, and Divine Mercy Chaplet to name a few. Greg and Jennifer Willits', whose Rosary casts are listed on this site, also have their own website You can download the webcast on either site.
Another site I found through comments on Kimberly Winston's Blog is pray-as-you-go. This site is maintained by Jesuit Media Services in London. The pray-as-you-go initiative is to provide daily prayer in MP3 format for people traveling to and from work. These daily prayers can be downloaded daily or weekly. The music on them is very inspiring.
I was thinking that I would download the Rosary, Scriptural Rosary, and Divine Mercy Chaplet as a Fathers Day gift for my husband to put on his iPod, which I will do. But, after looking through the free download options out there, I am also going to download the broadcasts on the Desert Fathers and pray-as-you-go for myself.
(By clicking on any of the highlighted text, you will be taken directly to the link.)
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